How I Plan on Saving $418,921 by Retirement by Changing (Almost) Nothing

7 min readJan 21, 2023

What if I told you that I have a simple plan to retire with (hopefully) more than 400,000 additional dollars in my bank account? And what if I told you that I would need to change almost nothing to my routine to get there? It won’t require me to join a pyramid scheme, sell a kidney or plot a bank heist. When I say “almost nothing”, I mean it. It might require a small trip to the local convenience store, if that, and then it simply amounts to trusting the incredible powers of time and mathematics.

Before delving into the argument, let me just say that the process that is highlighted in the first sections of this article, i.e. what leads to the $418,920.94 saved, is hypothetical and fitted to my situation. The example might apply to you, or it might not. But it can very easily be adapted to fit any lifestyle; and I believe that, regardless, the second section will offer some interesting perspective on the choices you make daily.

Enough with the fluff, let’s get to the meat of the issue, and let’s start with the mathematical concept that underpins the reasoning.

1. The Eighth Wonder of the World, According to Einstein




I write about what I find interesting, and about what I believe could deliver value your life.